game made for  the fnaf fangame jam 2025 winter edition hosted by @sonicthe-hedgehog

game by @Sr-Emi using scratch

Jorking nights at freddy's is a short game where to win you got to... jerk off... yeah

while evading threats that can slow you down or end your run! If you manage to fend off from them quickly you get a money bonus to spend in the shop and make the night easier!


during your shift as a security guard in the day at freddy fazbear's pizza you started jorking it out  of boredom.

after jerking off a littletoo much you lost consciousness, and now you find yourself in  a security office in the night, with the place closed.

then you started to watch the animatronics on the cameras immediatly. but you couldn't recognize the characters on the stage.

with out anything more to do, you started to jerk off again and wait until the day with a feeling that something is off place

note: in the browser version, the game doesn't have a save file, it uses codes that the game gives you in the main menu uf you touch the "save" button and then put it on the "load" button


jorking-nights-at-freddys-downloadable.exe 150 MB